The Jewish Sound Archive was established at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire as a repository of sound recordings for researchers and students in 2002. The collection, which now has almost 145,000 online tracks, includes commercial recordings from the pre-digital era, unique historical audio artifacts, extensive collections of private recordings, and many other items that Continue Reading »
Shabbat Morning D’var Torah * 9 Kislev 5783 * December 3, 2022 This is Shimon Ben Zoma! Our congregant Karen Herman made him for me a few years ago to help me teach Kitah Zayin, our seventh graders, because Ben Zoma was a sage of the second century who has a series of statements in Continue Reading »
I have only a couple of Chanukkah sermons, and in fact you may have heard me give a version of this in years past and even on a Rosh Hashanah. I want to talk about hope, through the lens of Chanukkah. I think we can learn about hope from the dreidel – nun, gimel, hay, Continue Reading »
The first words a Jew is supposed to say upon waking are: Modah Ani or Modeh Ani, which mean “Thankful am I”. Even before we bring ourselves into focus, we are we are taught to center gratitude, and to make being thankful the frame for our existence in the day that is just starting. That Continue Reading »
On a beautiful fall day in October, which happened to also be Sukkot eve, members and friends of Temple Beth Abraham joined together to experience a science fair connected to the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. Sukkot is a harvest holiday, and as one it leads itself naturally to think about elements such as sunlight, water Continue Reading »
In mid-October, TBA member Stefanie Wieder offered a training for area educators along with a team of professionals on the topic of Anti Bias in children’s literature. The training was co-sponsored by TBA and was well attended by a variety of library and school professionals from around NH. You can watch the recorded training here Continue Reading »
First day: Help Me Talk About What I’ve Been Through and Who I Am Second day: Right-ology: How to Be Right Better in the New Year Join us for conversation about these (and any other High Holy Day-related topic you like!) at 2:30 pm on Yom Kippur afternoon, in the tent or on Zoom!
This is my own selection of past sermons from Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, that I think are either timeless or timely again this year. Perhaps one or more might be good reading in preparation for the new year! Hope In An Uncertain World (5777/2016) What the Chanukkah dreidel can teach us about four kinds Continue Reading »
This is based on what I said on Shabbat morning, August 27, 2022 at the start of the month of Elul. It was the day of a Bar Mitzvah and an aufruf (blessing to a couple about to get married)! Usually I think of Elul as a time of introspection before we get together in Continue Reading »
Rabbi Jon’s D’var Torah from July 30, 2022 * 2 Av 5782 One of my favorite anecdotes about morning davvening (praying) comes from the Babylonian Talmud. Rabbi Chanina went to shul one day. This was some 1700 years ago, give or take, and at the time there were no siddurim (written prayerbooks). People who led knew the Continue Reading »