Rabbi Jon’s Dvar Torah from Shabbat morning, July 23, 2022. “It’s not a movement if everyone’s just sitting.” That’s a line from a conversation between then-Professor Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her 15-year-old daughter Jane in the film On the Basis of Sex, which is partly the story of how RBG, zichrona livracha, came to win Continue Reading »
Beth Abraham welcomes Rebecca White to our leadership team! Rebecca began in June as our Communications and Office Manager. She joins Rabbi Jon Spira-Savett and Sarit Tsor Ferreira, Director of Education and Community Engagement. Rebecca has worked in some of the Boston area’s most interesting and creative Jewish organizations: Gann Academy, Mayyim Hayyim Community Mikveh Continue Reading »
My words in the synagogue on the Shabbat before Independence Day 2022. Published also on my blog in the Times of Israel. This week, I printed out a copy of the declaration of intent to become a United States citizen made by my great-grandfather, Wolf Landsman, in the city court of Utica, New York. My sister Continue Reading »
This was the D’var Torah I gave for Parashat B’haalotcha on June 18, 2022. When the same passage of Torah comes at you from four different sources the same week, you have to pay attention. I always look forward to Parashat B’haalotcha because it’s the start of the frisky Torah, the Torah of complaining. It’s the beginning of the Continue Reading »
Temple Beth Abraham is pleased to award this year’s Keter Shem Tov (the crown of a good name) to Ida Stanger Mildenberg. When Ida married her beloved Les in June, 2007, she quickly became a valued, integral part of our Jewish community. After attending her first Sisterhood meeting, this expert chef, who loves to cook, Continue Reading »
Sarit sat with Judy Goldstein for a chat on a beautiful May morning. As you may know, Judy is soon retiring, and leaving her position as office manager at TBA. Judy has been working at TBA for 28 years! Judy has been a member of TBA since 1978. She saw the building before it was Continue Reading »