Purim 2025 / 5785

Purim Traditions

Purim celebrates the biblical story of Esther, set in Persia more than 2400 years ago and still very contemporary! We celebrate in four ways: by hearing the story, bringing gifts of food to each other, helping people in need, and feasting together dressed in costume!

Below are opportunities to participate in all four Mitzvot! 

Mishloach Manot

Order by
Friday, March 7

Send a Purim gift of food to fellow congregants and friends! All proceeds benefit education and programs at TBA.

Click here to order online

Click here to download a paper form

Thursday, March 13
5:15 pm – 5:45 pm

Enjoy a festive meal with the community before the reading of the Megillah.

Click here for more info

Thursday, March 13

5:45 pm – Family Friendly Reading of Selected Excerpts.

7:30 pm – Full Megillah Reading

Come in costume!

Click here for more info

We are partnering with
the Nashua Soup Kitchen and Shelter again this year. You can donate online (see link below and add “Purim” in the comment box), bring donations of non-perishable food items to Temple, and/or help us pack food items during the community event on Sunday March 16.

Click here to make a donation online

Purim Events

Purim Resources

Click on the image or here for a playlist of short Purim-related video teachings from Rabbi Jon!

Sermon of Rabbi Jon’s about the book of Esther as a paradigm for an uncertain world. 

“Getting Out of Our Masks”
Rabbi Jon’s sermon about the masks we wear in our lives, with a big assist from young adult TBA member Max Friedman!

Introducing Adar Conversations: Esther-Informed Spiritual Therapy For 5784
Introducing Adar Conversations, a series about themes of the Jewish festival of Purim and the Megillah, the biblical story of Esther. 

Rabbi Jon Spira-Savett and Rabbi Dr. Karen G. Reiss Medwed walk through each part of the biblical story and reflect on how different parts resonate today and might answer some of the dilemmas we are facing.

Adar Conversation — Getting to Mi Yode’a (Who Knows): Moral Clarity in a Topsy-Turvy World

Purim: The Buddy Film, a blog post by Rabbi Jon.


Various Purim Recipes from Allrecipes.com

Hamantaschen are only some of the options for festive Purim foods! Click on the image to see ideas for a variety of Purim treats, including but not limited to hamantaschen!