Purim celebrates the biblical story of Esther, set in Persia more than 2400 years ago and still very contemporary!
We celebrate in four ways: by hearing the story, bringing gifts of food to each other, helping people in need, and feasting together dressed in costume! Below are opportunities to participate in all four Mitzvot!
Sunday, March 5 3:00 – 5:00 pm
Get a jump on the festivities at Purim celebration!
We are once again partnering with End 68 Hours of Hunger at the Sunday 3/5 Purim Celebration. You can help pack food bags at the event, and/or make a donation directly: click here and type TBA Purim in memo.
Purim Resources
Click on the image or here for a playlist of short Purim-related video teachings from Rabbi Jon!
Hamantaschen are only some of the options for festive Purim foods! Click on the image to see ideas for a variety of Purim treats, including but not limited to hamantaschen!