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Passover Themed Family and Soul Shabbat
Saturday, April 5
Family Shabbat 9:45 am
Soul Shabbat 11:00 am
For Families with Children
Tuesday April 8 5:00 pm
Passover Community Seder
Sunday, April 13, 5:00 pm At TBA
Lights, camera, matzah! The exodus story continues, and you’re invited to this premiere. Immerse yourself in a traditional Seder that brings ancient traditions to life with a modern twist with the help of scenes from films and media (on Passover, we’ll read and reference them, not watch them). Click here for more information and to register!
Want Rabbi Jon to “lead your Seder” by audio? Here is a recording that’s about 35 minutes with the “essentials” of the Seder, which you can follow along. If you’d like to read/sing along from the same pages, it’s this Haggadah.